Saturday, December 7, 2013

HTML Frameworks - are they worth using?

So we have the markup frameworks like twitter-bootstrap and foundation 4 but are they worth to get used in our projects? With all the pain of unnecessary classes , code and need to learn that framework.

With any framework that  we are using,  we are compromising with the semantic classes names.We  developers love to give the class names as per our requirements and understanding which help us to understand the code well and also give the special signature to the project

Below are the issues I feel with using these frameworks

1) I love my markup 
we always have to stuck with the structure of code framework have, there are many times when we need to go ahead and change some markup but wait that will become pain because moving any layer of the code can cause us to see breaking other area too.

2) OMG so much CSS!!
There are lot of lot of css lines that might not be required and if you skip using these framework you can might be able to achieve same thing with half of the code!! 
so somewhere it costing the performance although it is claiming that it is lighter but what is the harm if we will can make it more lighter.

3) But I can do it by my own...
Yes it is responsive...yes it give you the support on mobiles too but wait cant we do it our own...ok but we have time crunch but still we know how to write the code for the mobile too? rather than just reading, understanding and implementing its good to write your code and you never know you will find your own new ideas on the way.

4) I want to learn JS not just plugin and use it!!
But they have all JS cool stuff - modules/ tool tips/ validations which are well tested on all browsers etc, and yes for that I can buy-in the framework but wait don't we enjoy working on your own scratch JS code? why to use plugins for such small things like modules/tool tips etc,

Although I am not against the framework but it is always better to analysis before using any framework do we actually need it or not? Might be we are using a framework and getting lot of performance issues and unnesseary code which is not even not required